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Pastoral Care

Pastoral Care deals with the emotional, social, personal and effective development of the student. It aims to harness the potential of the whole person within a caring and committed environment. All staff are fully involved in the Pastoral Care of the students.

Each class has a Tutor who takes a special interest in each girl in her class and is available for advice and guidance. Class tutors are helped by Prefects — 6th Year students who are appointed to help in the smooth running of the school. Year Heads care for year groups.

The school has a full time Guidance Counsellor who assists the personal, social, educational and vocational development of all students while giving sensitive care and support to students learning to cope with the many facets of modern life. Learning Support and resource hours are also available to help students who may have learning difficulties.

The Principal and Deputy Principal together with all the staff coordinate their efforts to ensure that your daughter has a happy and beneficial school career.