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All students have been given a school email. Students must login to this email through Google. If any students are having an issue logging in to their email they need to contact Mr Martin at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

When students have logged in to their school email account they can login to Schoolwise through an icon at the bottom of the school's homepage. Students click on the red login with G Suite button. In this platform students can receive and send work from their teachers. Below are a number of useful guides.

If a student is having an issue with Schoolwise they can contact Mr Martin using Schoolwise.

Schoolwise: Introduction video

Logging in to Schoolwise: How to login to Schoolwise.

Sending a message: If you are having a problem, or if you have a question for Mr Martin or another teacher.

Online classes: How to access my online classes

Assignments: How to attach work

Assignments: How do I view my grade and feedback given by a teacher

Google Docs: How to open and use Google Docs to create and attach work to an assignment - easy video to follow